Registration Date(Y/M/D): | 2012/08/06 |
Registration Number: | 4338 |
Basic Information |
Launched Year: 1979 Length: 20eet (about 6.1m) Storage Prefecture: Kanagawa Seating Capacity (in document): 8
Engine Information |
YOMAHA 船外機(1 of 5PS) Drive Type: Outboard Drive Fuel Type: ガソリン |
Equipment Information |
| ギャレーセット、トイレ、キャビンベット、ソファー、ジブファーラー |
Ask to |
(有)ステップマリン造船所 |
Tel:046-856-0696 | Fax:046-856-7374 |
*You need to add Intl. Code(ex. 00/001) and 81(Japan Country Code) instead of the 1st "0" if you call or fax from outside of Japan.
*Please make sure the most Japanese speak only Japanese. But the seller who wrote Equipment Information and/or Note in English may be able to understand English.